School of Journalism Visited Celebes TV

  • 13 Januari 2021
  • 12:32 WITA
  • Admin FDK
  • Berita

UIN Online - A number of students enrolled in the School of Journalism Program visited Tempo editorial office and Celebes TV on Thursday, March 13, 2014. On this occasion, Fauziah Astrid as the secretary of Journalism School Program said that there were three meetings to visit in Celebes TV . Samata, Thursday (03/13).

"There are three meetings here; today we are going to the School of Journalism in Celebes TV to know how it works (television). TV is a picture that tells a story that is not given image," said Muannas, Director of Celebes TV Operations.

Muannas further explains that Celebes TV is a local TV with news nuance. Although the organization is still relatively small, the media has a high spirit to advance the local TV.

"Now is the local era, many local journalists which are eventually shifted to local because they want to develop the area. We already do not want to be colonized by Jakarta. If we continue to work to Jakarta, the local media can be developed.